
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Buddha Gave Relationship Advice?

Dhammapada for the 21st Century

Who knew the Buddha was giving relationship advice so many years ago?

Of course the Buddha at the time was talking to monk's, in reference to them all getting along. In my opinion, I think it would apply to FRIENDS and RELATIONSHIPS today. 

Please leave a comment after reading, let me know if you found this useful. Thanks!

Dhammapada Verse 328-330

Friends on the road again.
Verse 328 - If one finds a thoughtful friend who is honest, reliable, and dependable. One should remain friends with that person joyfully and mindfully overcoming all obstacles.
Verse 329 - If one can not find a thoughtful, honest, and reliable friend one should continue your virtuous life alone until you do.....  (note: of course you still have the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. So you are not totally alone. Just saying.) 

Good friends are hard to come by but are worth it
Verse 330 - It is better to face life alone, because there is no friendship with a person who lacks good judgement.



Monday, January 18, 2016

Wisdom of the Buddha Dhammapada 27

What's Stopping You From Advancing on Your Path to Enlightenment?

Rev. Dr. Muko Takei from Shingyo Pre-sectarian Buddhist Temple explains what we need to advance in our spirituality.  To maintain a good focus and become unstuck on our path to enlightenment.